
Yet another man in his twilight years bent on foisting his life onto a bored readership? Possibly. But perhaps not quite. With a few exceptions I promise not to mention names of people whom others have not the remotest interest in knowing let alone remembering. And there will be no tedious name-dropping — well, hardly any!

Long personal and detailed autobiographies sometimes typed and bound, sometimes published privately at great expense, are not for the wider public, unless of course they are of famous people, and even then it requires great effort not to skim-read great chunks of the stuff.

But the closer you approach the end of your life the more aware you become not only of your own mortality but the mortality of your memories. Although by their nature no-one can own the memories of another, it is a basic human instinct to share a selection of them that may provide a glimpse into who you are (or were) and your thoughts about the times you lived in. So I make no apology for this self-indulgence.

Another motive for all this is to learn how to set up a website! Forgive me for my lack of expertise. No doubt someone will suggest how it could be improved.

David Bothwell


Leighton Park School

Christ’s College, Cambridge

married, 2 sons, 1 daughter,

8 grandchildren, 5 great-grandchildren (so far)

retired teacher

and education officer                        

Southampton, UK

wife and family

classical music



current affairs

philosophy esp humanism

travel and wildlife

using computer software


To live just for a few more years

To die with dignity


Year of birth


Marital status





    glimpses of my life and thoughts